Regulatory Permitting and Compliance

Geolex offers a full range of services in strategic environmental management, permitting, and general environmental compliance consulting. These services include assessments of client-specific environmental exposure and mechanisms to reduce environmental liability and costs. These types of projects are often performed in the context of responding to CERCLA actions, as well as RCRA corrective actions. In addition, Geolex’s scientists and engineers aid many types of clients in positioning themselves for cost-effective closures and/or remediation’s. Geolex also provides strategic environmental management services as related to the redevelopment of brownfield sites and the management of remediation efforts and NEPA compliance. Mr. Gutiérrez and Geolex have significant regulatory experience and provide technical support services to regulatory agencies for RCRA and CERCLA actions. Geolex’s team of multi-disciplinary scientists and business specialists assist our clients in developing and deploying practical solutions to complex problems in the area of environmental management.